Making Democracy Work

Contacts for League Easy Web

Who to contact to get more information about the automatic LWV web site generation system, League Easy Web (LEW).

  • To ask for help using the current system, or to set up a free trial of LEW, send an email to the administrator Carol Watts and the LWV California Communications Manager at If it is an emergency (or you just want to talk about it), call Carol at 408-982-6641.

  • To discuss billing, please visit the LEW Service Agreement and Bill page and contact the LWV California State Office by emailing or calling 916-442-7215. Our bookkeeper is only in the office once a week, so we appreciate your patience.

  • To discuss the system overhaul we're planning for LEW in 2017 (features and pricing structure), please visit the LWV California LEW overhaul information page and email